While Mega Man has unquestionably produced some stinkers, most of the main games hold up reasonably well and even the lesser titles offer something to enjoy. Understandably, a franchise responsible for producing approximately 10 million games is destined to run the gamut in terms of quality.

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Rockman’s appeal transcends genre, medium, or decade. Stepping away from gaming, Capcom’s hero has starred in a handful of anime and Western cartoons, with 2018's Mega Man: Fully Chargedserving as the most contemporary example. Reports estimate Capcom's franchise has surpassed 33 million sold units worldwide, a figure pre-dating Mega Man 11. Three decades later, Mega Man has 11 core games, six other series with their own range of sequels, various spin-offs, and more remakes than Disney's latest release schedule. In 1987, Capcom published a visually stunning but hard-as-nails action platformer called Rockman to rapturous applause from critics and a shrug from customers. MegaMan Unlimited is a worthy entry into the MegaMan franchise, which although unofficial and developed by amateurs, has enough quality to convince even the most sceptical of gamer.Capcom has an annoying habit of periodically forgetting about its iconic blue mascot, but Mega Man's impact on gaming culture cannot and should not be understated. plus an additional hidden world (also with its own 'boss').

Players will have to conquer eight different worlds and their bosses. Willy promises to help Mega Man when eight unknown robots begin to wreak havoc throughout the world, and to stop them he will need all the help he can get. MegaMan Unlimited's story puts the player in the most unlikely of scenarios, in which Dr. From another point of view, however, the main source of inspiration for Unlimited comes from MegaMan 9 and 10. Visually and audibly, MegaMan Unlimited draws from the classics that appeared on the 8 Bit Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Instead, the game has been developed solely by fans of the original titles.

MegaMan Unlimited is a 2D platformer starring the popular Capcom icon, but that is not affiliated in any way with the Japanese company.